
At EXPLAIN, knowledge transfer is part of our consulting activities. We have developed training sessions on all aspects of transportation planning and in particular on modelling techniques and modelling tools.

Several of our consultants give lectures in Universities. With their students, they explore subjects such as land use modelling, the interaction between transport and land use, the benefit and limitations of transport models etc. Some of them have developed series of tutorials which they use with students to help them develop their own four-stage models.

Our consultants participate occasionally in seminars. Recently, they have presented on the following subjects:

  • The role of models in transportation planning.
  • Accounting for congestion in long distance models.
  • Calculation of CO2 emissions using inputs from traffic models.
  • Reducing car use in city centres: an international benchmark from large cities.
  • Modelling daily trips: alternative techniques.
  • Using the French national survey to disaggregate the French National Model into different periods.